Hello Old Friend

So I mentioned that the other day I had my early cycle bloodwork and ultrasound baseline testing done. I’ve done this many times before, so it wasn’t new.

It started off with a urine sample. Easy enough.

Then I got my blood drawn. They took 6 vials I believe and I had to fast for it. I’m a champ at getting my blood drawn (excellent veins and no fear of needles or blood), so I had no issues. The phlebotomist was a very bubbly woman who talked about how her daughter is as fair-skinned as I am, and we had a lovely conversation. I brought a banana and hot chocolate with me to bring my blood sugar back up, but didn’t need it immediately. I ended up waiting until I got to the car.

Finally, I got to the ultrasound room and got to say hello to an old friend.

Hi Wand. We meet again.

Can’t say I’ve really missed the transvaginal ultrasounds, but ya do whatcha gotta do.

The ultrasound tech is actually the same one from 2016 (I guess I should have expected that, but didn’t), and it was nice to see her again. She’s sweet, and gentle (which is important!) and told me everything looked as it should while she was measuring my uterus. I made some small talk about how I really admire that she knows what she’s doing because looking at that black and white screen with black dots and measuring parts I can’t see looks like it takes real talent. She laughed politely, and then I was on my way! I was hoping she’d tell me how many follicles I had, but I didn’t ask and she didn’t volunteer that information, so for the rest of the day I was stalking my online patient portal for the results.

I hate waiting for results, but it appears we’ll need to wait a couple weeks until our in-person follow-up appointment with Dr. S. It’s going to be a long few weeks!



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