One More Week


Infertility is such a hurry-up-and-wait game. I’m counting down the days until we see Dr. S again. I think I’m as excited to get the results of all of our tests as I am to find out if we get to start back with IUI this next cycle. (Is it weird to desperately want to know my AMH, FSH, AFC, etc etc again?)

The timing should work out perfectly- I should be getting my period the day we see Dr. S, thereby putting me in a great position to start things up if we get the green light. I can’t say enough how ready I am to be pregnant again and have another baby. It seems to us like we’ve been waiting FOREVER again, even though based on this blog it seems like we’ve only been at this for 2 months. In reality, we’ve been talking about and hoping for a baby since July 1, and it’s just now that things are really starting to come together. The wait is DEFINITELY not as long as last time, so I’m very grateful for that.

This next week is actually going to fly by, and I’m so excited. We’re going out of town with family so I’ll have a few days where I won’t be focused on the upcoming appointment.

I’m trying to prepare myself for the possibility that we won’t be able to move forward right away, but it’s not going well. I keep thinking if there was bad news, they would have told us already like with my thyroid, so things must look ok! I’m really hoping I have a good update to post after our appointment next week.

In the meantime, we’ll enjoy some family time!



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